Azure DevOps Interviw Questions for Fresher with answers

Azure DevOps Interview Questions
with answers
for freshers

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Top Azure DevOps Interview Questions with Answers for Freshers.

Prepare for your Azure DevOps interview! Here are top interview questions and answers tailored for freshers to boost your readiness and confidence.

If you are working in azure cloud or as a fresher you are looking for Azure DevOps jobs you need some interview questions ideas to become confident for your upcoming Azure DevOps Jobs. As a professional or as a fresher if you are here then you must be comfortable with Azure DevOps Login portal and its components. Once you are comfortable with Azure DevOps Login then you will have some ideas about “What is Azure DevOps?” and “ How to create Azure DevOps Pipeline?” . With this knowledge you may proceed for finding some Azure DevOps Jobs and here in this article we are going to discuss Top Azure DevOps interview questions with answers. So let's get into actual Azure DevOps interview questions you may be asked as a fresher.

What is Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps is a set of development tools and services offered by Microsoft that helps teams plan, develop, test, and deliver software efficiently. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools that support the entire software development lifecycle, from idea generation to deployment and monitoring.
Note: You can explore Azure DevOps login to create your own devops project.

What are Azure DevOps services?

Azure DevOps provides a range of services and tools that support different aspects of the software development lifecycle. The key Azure DevOps services include:

  • Azure Boards:
  • A work tracking system that enables teams to plan, track, and discuss work across the entire development process. It offers agile planning tools, backlogs, Kanban boards, and customizable dashboards.
  • Azure Repos:
  • A version control system that allows teams to manage and track code changes. It supports Git repositories, providing features such as branch management, pull requests, and code reviews.
  • Azure Pipelines:
  • A continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) platform that automates the building, testing, and deployment of applications. It supports multi-platform builds and deployments to various targets, including virtual machines, containers, and cloud platforms.
  • Azure Test Plans:
  • A testing framework that helps teams plan, track, and perform manual and exploratory testing. It offers test case management, test tracking, and comprehensive reporting capabilities.
  • Azure Artifacts:
  • A package management system that facilitates the management and sharing of packages, such as NuGet, npm, and Maven packages. It enables teams to create, host, and consume packages within their projects.
Azure DevOps allows for seamless integration with other popular development tools and platforms, both from Microsoft and third parties. It provides collaboration features that enable teams to work together efficiently, foster transparency, and improve overall productivity.

What are Azure Pipelines?

Azure Pipelines is a cloud-based continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform provided by Microsoft as part of Azure DevOps. It enables software development teams to automate the building, testing, and deployment of applications across different platforms and environments.
Azure Pipelines supports various programming languages, frameworks, and platforms, making it versatile for diverse development projects. It offers the following key features:

  • Build Automation:
  • Azure Pipelines automates the process of building software applications from source code. It allows teams to define build configurations, specify build tasks, and execute them automatically whenever changes are made to the code repository.
  • Continuous Integration (CI):
  • With CI, Azure Pipelines helps teams merge code changes frequently and ensures that these changes are validated by automatically triggering builds and running tests. It facilitates early bug detection and promotes code quality.
  • Continuous Deployment (CD):
  • Azure Pipelines enables teams to define deployment pipelines that automate the process of deploying applications to different environments, such as development, testing, staging, and production. It supports deployments to various platforms, including virtual machines, containers, and cloud services.
  • Integration and Extensibility:
  • Azure Pipelines integrates seamlessly with other Azure services and popular development tools, allowing teams to leverage their existing tools and workflows. It also provides a rich set of extensions and integrations with third-party tools for enhanced functionality.
  • Scalability and Parallelism:
  • Azure Pipelines allows teams to run multiple jobs and tasks in parallel, enabling faster build and deployment times. It can scale up or down based on the project's needs, accommodating large-scale software development.
  • Monitoring and Reporting:
  • Azure Pipelines provides real-time monitoring and detailed reporting capabilities. It generates logs, metrics, and insights to help teams track the progress of builds and deployments, identify issues, and optimize their development process.
Azure Pipelines supports both public and private repositories, including GitHub, Bitbucket, and Azure Repos. It provides flexibility in defining pipelines using YAML or a visual editor, allowing teams to customize their CI/CD workflows based on their specific requirements.

Is Azure DevOps service available on-premises?

Azure DevOps services are primarily cloud-based and offered as a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution by Microsoft. However, for organizations that require on-premises deployments due to specific regulatory or security requirements, Microsoft offers a self-hosted version called "Azure DevOps Server" (previously known as Team Foundation Server or TFS).
Azure DevOps Server allows organizations to have the Azure DevOps services installed and hosted on their own infrastructure, providing control over data storage and ensuring compliance with their internal policies. It offers similar capabilities to the cloud-based Azure DevOps services, including Azure Boards, Azure Repos, Azure Pipelines, Azure Test Plans, and Azure Artifacts.
Azure DevOps Server enables teams to manage their source code, track work items, automate builds and deployments, conduct testing, and manage packages within their own environment. It provides a unified platform for collaboration and supports integration with various development tools and services.
However, it's important to note that the on-premises version may have different release cycles and feature availability compared to the cloud-based Azure DevOps services. Organizations using Azure DevOps Server are responsible for managing and maintaining the infrastructure, including hardware, operating systems, and database servers.

Which Azure DevOps feature supports planning and tracking of work across teams?

The Azure DevOps feature that supports planning and tracking of work across teams is called "Azure Boards." Azure Boards provides a comprehensive work tracking system that enables teams to plan, track, and discuss work items and tasks throughout the software development process.
Azure Boards offers the following capabilities for planning and tracking work:

  • Backlogs:
  • Teams can create and manage product backlogs that contain user stories, features, and requirements. Backlogs help prioritize work items and define the scope of the project.
  • Work Items:
  • Azure Boards allows teams to create various types of work items, such as user stories, tasks, bugs, and issues. Work items can be assigned, tracked, and updated throughout their lifecycle.
  • Agile Planning Tools:
  • Azure Boards supports agile methodologies, providing tools like Kanban boards and Scrum boards. These tools allow teams to visualize and manage their work in progress, set priorities, and track progress.
  • Work Item Details:
  • Each work item in Azure Boards has a detailed view that includes fields for description, acceptance criteria, assigned team members, tags, and related artifacts. This information helps provide clarity and context for the work item.
  • Customizable Dashboards:
  • Azure Boards allows teams to create customized dashboards that display relevant metrics, charts, and boards. Dashboards provide a centralized view of work progress, team performance, and important project information.
  • Iteration Planning:
  • Teams can define iterations (sprints) and plan work items to be completed within each iteration. Azure Boards provides tools to manage the capacity of team members, assign work, and track progress against iteration goals.
  • Discussions and Mentions:
  • Azure Boards includes collaboration features that enable team members to discuss work items, ask questions, and provide feedback. Users can also mention other team members to draw their attention to specific work items.
Azure Boards promotes collaboration, transparency, and alignment across teams by providing a centralized platform for planning, tracking, and discussing work items. It helps teams stay organized, prioritize work effectively, and ensure that everyone is on the same page throughout the software development lifecycle.

Which Azure DevOps feature provides building, testing, and deploying capability?

The Azure DevOps feature that provides building, testing, and deploying capabilities is called "Azure Pipelines." Azure Pipelines is a powerful continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that automates the process of building, testing, and deploying applications across various platforms and environments.
Azure Pipelines offers the following capabilities for building, testing, and deploying applications:

  • Build Automation:
  • Azure Pipelines enables teams to automate the process of building software applications from source code. It supports different programming languages, build configurations, and build tasks. Teams can define custom build processes and workflows.
  • Continuous Integration (CI):
  • Azure Pipelines supports CI by automatically triggering builds whenever changes are pushed to the code repository. It allows teams to merge code changes frequently and ensures that builds are triggered and tested automatically.
  • Testing:
  • Azure Pipelines provides tools and capabilities for testing applications. It supports various types of testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and UI testing. Teams can define test cases, execute tests, and generate test reports as part of the pipeline.
  • Continuous Deployment (CD):
  • Azure Pipelines facilitates continuous deployment by automating the process of deploying applications to different environments. Teams can define deployment pipelines that specify the target environments and deployment steps. It supports deploying to platforms like virtual machines, containers, and cloud services.
  • Deployment Gates:
  • Azure Pipelines includes deployment gates that allow teams to add manual or automated approval checks before deploying to production environments. This ensures additional validation and control over the deployment process.
  • Multi-Platform and Multi-Cloud Support:
  • Azure Pipelines supports building and deploying applications on various platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. It also offers integration with multiple cloud providers, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Release Management:
  • Azure Pipelines provides release management capabilities to manage and track the release of software applications. Teams can define release pipelines, manage release artifacts, and track the progress of deployments.
Azure Pipelines can be configured using a YAML-based syntax or through a visual editor, providing flexibility and ease of use. It integrates seamlessly with other Azure DevOps services and supports integration with external tools and services.

Which Azure DevOps service lets you create continuous workflows to build, test, and deploy code to production?

The Azure DevOps service that allows you to create continuous workflows to build, test, and deploy code to production is called "Azure Pipelines." Azure Pipelines is a powerful continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform provided by Microsoft.

What are deployment groups used for in Azure DevOps?

Deployment groups in Azure DevOps are used to organize and manage the deployment of applications to multiple target environments. A deployment group represents a set of machines or targets, such as virtual machines, physical servers, or containers, where you want to deploy your application.
Here are the key uses and benefits of deployment groups in Azure DevOps:

  • Deployment Target Organization:
  • Deployment groups help you organize and categorize your deployment targets based on their roles, environments, or other relevant criteria. You can create groups for different environments like development, testing, staging, and production.
  • Simplified Configuration:
  • Deployment groups simplify the configuration and management of deployment targets. Instead of configuring deployment settings individually for each target, you define the settings once for the deployment group. This makes it easier to maintain and update configurations.
  • Parallel Deployments:
  • Azure DevOps allows you to perform parallel deployments to multiple targets within a deployment group. This capability is useful when deploying to multiple servers or instances simultaneously, which can speed up the deployment process and reduce downtime.
  • Agent-Based Deployment:
  • Deployment groups use Azure Pipelines agents to handle the deployment tasks on the target machines. Azure DevOps provides agents that can be installed on the target machines, allowing for agent-based deployments with secure communication between the agent and Azure Pipelines.
  • Rolling Deployments:
  • Deployment groups support rolling deployments, where you can deploy to a subset of machines within the group at a time. This allows for controlled deployments, ensuring that any issues or errors can be identified and resolved before continuing with the deployment to the remaining machines.
  • Deployment History and Tracking:
  • Azure DevOps keeps track of the deployment history for each deployment group. You can view deployment logs, track the status of deployments, and monitor any issues or errors that occur during the deployment process.

Which Azure DevOps feature offers unlimited Git repositories to control source code?

The Azure DevOps feature that offers unlimited Git repositories to control source code is called "Azure Repos." Azure Repos is a version control service provided by Microsoft as part of Azure DevOps.
Azure Repos offers the following key capabilities:

  • Git Repositories:
  • Azure Repos supports both Git and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC), but Git repositories provide unlimited scalability for storing and managing source code. Git repositories are distributed version control systems that offer flexibility, branching, merging, and extensive collaboration capabilities.
  • Unlimited Repositories:
  • Azure Repos allows you to create an unlimited number of Git repositories within your Azure DevOps organization. This enables you to have separate repositories for different projects, modules, or teams without any restrictions on the number of repositories.
  • Collaborative Source Control:
  • Azure Repos facilitates collaborative source control by providing features like branch management, pull requests, code reviews, and conflict resolution. Teams can work concurrently on different branches, merge changes, and review code before merging it into the main branch.
  • Integration with Azure Pipelines:
  • Azure Repos integrates seamlessly with Azure Pipelines, enabling you to trigger builds and deployments automatically based on changes in the source code repository. This integration facilitates continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows.
  • Code Search and Navigation:
  • Azure Repos includes powerful search capabilities that allow you to search for code across repositories, branches, and commits. It also provides advanced code navigation features, such as the ability to track changes, view commit history, and compare different versions of files.
  • Integration with IDEs:
  • Azure Repos integrates with popular development environments and IDEs, such as Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, and Eclipse. This integration enables developers to easily clone, branch, commit, and manage source code directly from their preferred development environment.
Azure Repos provides a reliable and scalable platform for managing and controlling source code using Git repositories. With unlimited repositories and a comprehensive set of collaboration and integration features, it supports efficient and collaborative software development practices.

Explain Azure Test Plans.

Azure Test Plans is a testing solution provided by Azure DevOps that helps teams plan, track, and execute testing activities throughout the software development lifecycle. It offers a range of features and tools to support manual and exploratory testing, as well as provide comprehensive test case management and reporting capabilities.
Here are the key aspects of Azure Test Plans:

  • Test Case Management:
  • Azure Test Plans allows teams to create and manage test cases within a centralized repository. Test cases can include steps, expected results, and attachments, providing detailed instructions for executing tests.
  • Test Planning and Tracking:
  • Teams can create test plans to organize and track testing activities. Test plans help define the scope, objectives, and timelines for testing efforts. They also allow teams to assign and track the progress of test cases, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  • Test Execution:
  • Azure Test Plans provides an interactive web-based test runner that guides testers through executing test cases step-by-step. Testers can record test results, capture screenshots, and attach relevant artifacts during the test execution process.
  • Exploratory Testing:
  • Azure Test Plans supports exploratory testing, allowing testers to dynamically explore the application and capture observations, notes, and defects. Exploratory testing sessions can be logged and shared with the team for further analysis and collaboration.
  • Test Data and Environment Management:
  • Azure Test Plans helps manage test data and test environments. It allows teams to define and manage test configurations, including target platforms, browsers, and devices, ensuring consistency in test execution across different environments. Test Analytics and Reporting: Azure Test Plans provides detailed reporting and analytics capabilities. It generates test run reports, test coverage reports, and defect reports, enabling teams to track testing progress, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve the quality of their applications.
  • Integration with Azure Pipelines:
  • Azure Test Plans seamlessly integrates with Azure Pipelines, allowing teams to incorporate automated tests into their CI/CD workflows. This integration enables end-to-end testing from development to deployment, providing continuous feedback on application quality. Azure Test Plans enhances testing efficiency, collaboration, and visibility across the software development process. It helps teams streamline test case management, execute tests effectively, and generate actionable insights for improving application quality.

    How is Azure DevOps charged?

    Azure DevOps offers different pricing options depending on the specific services and features used. Here are the key aspects of Azure DevOps pricing:

    • Azure DevOps Services (SaaS):
    • The cloud-based Azure DevOps Services, including Azure Boards, Azure Repos, Azure Pipelines, Azure Test Plans, and Azure Artifacts, are available on a subscription basis. Microsoft offers different tiers, including free and paid plans, with varying features, capacity, and usage limits. The pricing details for Azure DevOps Services can be found on the official Azure DevOps pricing page.
    • Azure DevOps Server (Self-hosted):
    • Azure DevOps Server, previously known as Team Foundation Server (TFS), is the self-hosted, on-premises version of Azure DevOps. It requires a licence for each user accessing the server. The licensing options include purchasing user CALs (Client Access Licences) or using Azure DevOps Server as part of a Visual Studio subscription. The pricing details for Azure DevOps Server can be found on the Visual Studio pricing page.
    • Additional Services:
    • Depending on the specific requirements, additional Azure services like Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Storage, and Azure SQL Database may be used in conjunction with Azure DevOps. The costs for these services are separate and based on their respective pricing models.

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